
Search results

  1. Ohio State continues collaborations with longtime partner, Punjab Agricultural University, in India

    for the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI); and other iAGRI staff from Tanzania, ... Tanzania who are completing their M.S. degrees in food science, crop science, soil science, and ... and researchers from Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and PAU to ...

  2. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- October 7, 2020

    need recertification credits, please attend one of our  2020 Commercial Recertification Conferences  in ...

  3. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ... workers in the United States demonstrated that the lack of appreciation by their managers is their number ... 60% of employees say they don’t get enough feedback from upper management on their work. ...

  4. ODA Confirms Sudden Oak Death in Ohio

    identifying, would like to test their soil, or have photos or samples that would like to share to get ...

  5. Ending Global Hunger Colloquium

    panels as well as engaging break-out sessions. Our sesquicentennial theme, “150 Years of Giant Leaps,” ... emanates from our alumnus Neil Armstrong’s enduring words. We intend for this colloquium to take another ...

  6. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    The Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) received an additional $4 million in early ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. iAGRI, which began in 2011 and continues through 2017, is managed at ... international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  7. Northwest Ohio Celebrates Ohio Local Foods Week

    availability of a wide vareity of Ohio-grown fresh produce. However, we encourage our community partners to ...

  8. Rosemary Isoto: My Experience As An International Student at The Ohio State University

    University, Uganda. My research interests include migration, nutrition, microfinance institutions, health ... shocks. I received my first year funding for another masters from  Integrated Pest Management ... –Collaborative Research Program  (IPM CRSP). Thereafter, AEDE department offered me financial support for the ...

  9. Deadline: Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

    Grants which support Ohio State’s Discovery Themes, faculty and student research and the development of ... International Affairs, the Office of Research, PHPID, the Office of Undergraduate Education and the China ... Research, Office of Service-Learning, Office of Undergraduate Education, OSU Extension/College of Food, ...

  10. OSU Extension Day at the Lucas County Fair

    week long, Tuesday July 9th is OSU Extension Day at the fair.  Our team of staff and volunteers will be ...
