
Search results

  1. Beth Bollas

    Management Lake County 440-853-2629 ...

  2. Are You Ready for Death to Knock on Your Farm Business Door?

    that many are not comfortable talking about. However, our challenge as farm managers is to make time to ... State University Extension As we each traverse through our lives, we all are presented with moments that ... State University.  As our flight began its ascent to head south, the plane started shaking and I heard ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April Frye White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... continues to be a bargain feed in dairy cattle rations. Nutrient prices When comparing the prices in Table ... 1 to the 5-year averages, the current prices of nutrients are favorable. The price of NE L is about 36% ...

  4. Rory Lewandowski Retirement

    use, nutrient management, and farm financial management.  Rory worked tirelessly to serve the needs of ... Cattleman’s Association.  Rory was recognized with numerous awards for his exemplary teaching, research, and ...

  5. Manure Spill Prevention

    fertility level. Improper storage management includes not monitoring storage closely enough, resulting in an ... OSU Extension Manure Management Specialist, gave a presentation on manure spills and escapes. During ... phases of manure management. One area is on the farmstead itself, close to farm buildings and facilities. ...

  6. What are LEAP and OFAER?

    participate in LEAP 2 obtain soil fertility tests and manure nutrient analyses, which are two very important ... Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). Funds are available to help livestock, dairy, and poultry farmers who ... Program To help Ohio's livestock and poultry producers identify and address key management issues ...

  7. How to Get Ready for Spring Planting Now

    weather outlook for our spring planting season is not encouraging, as it is expected to be wetter than ... normal again, although hopefully not as bad as 2019. The purpose of this article is to stimulate our ... tanks of all tractors that will be used. Service all tractors.   Get any needed fertilizer on hand or ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    December at $16.12/cwt, followed by a further decrease to $15.56/cwt in February. Nutrient prices It can be ... nutrient costs to this time last year, however, NEL and MP are about 42 and 36% higher than January 2020 ... estimate profitability at these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing ...

  9. CD Wire- September 21, 2020

    partnership with our local Farm Service Agency and the Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District. ... the field with producers through various on-farm research projects, pest identification and management ... I look forward to seeing you at our next CD Inservice on September 30. As you know, we have been ...

  10. New CD Fact Sheets Published

    Extension, Pickaway County Our country has undergone an initial mass exodus of more than 20 million women ...
