
Search results

  1. Prevalence and Management Factors Associated with Staphylococcus aureus

    respectively. Management practices, and especially milking procedures, play an important role in control and ... estimate Staph. aureus prevalence and to evaluate whether certain management practices are associated with ...

  2. Ohio State's Participation in the Midwest and National Dairy Challenge Programs

    used this information to develop management recommendations, and then presented their management ...

  3. Small Grain Disease Management

    Fungicide effectiveness on wheat and barley depends upon the timing of the application and choosing the right fungicide material.  Pierce Paul, OSU Extension small grains and corn pathologist, wrote an excellent article on wheat and barley diseases, when ...

  4. Kelleys Island 4-H Teen Camp Counselor Applications Now Available

    applications are now available on our website. ...

  5. Pre-Fair 4-H Judging

    & Citizenship Money Management Natural Resources STEM Self-Determined Workforce Preparation Group ...

  6. Dietary Calcium and Magnesium Deficiency in Dry Cows

    0.5% calcium slightly exceeded the National Research Council (NRC) calcium requirements.  Calcium ... highest concentrations of calcium averaged 4 and 0%, respectively.  The bottom line from this research is ...

  7. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    Allocated costs include capital payments and returns to equity plus returns to management.  These are the ... equity, and provide for a return to management of the dairy operation.  With milk prices recovering in the ... ( for the latest market and policy information of importance to the Ohio dairy industry.   Dairy ...

  8. Monitor Wheat for Risk of Head Scab

    vomitoxin become our biggest concerns. Scab develops best and the risk is highest when wet, humid weather ... across most of the state for wheat that is flowering.  Most of our wheat is not yet at the flowering ...

  9. MarketView…Livestock Gross Market Insurance Product and Price Forcasts

    new web address and then link to the dairy website by selecting ‘Programs and Research / Ohio Dairy ... coming weeks). Dairy Margin Management and the Livestock Gross Margin Insurance Product Many of you are ... reasonable to ask substantive questions about the contract design and operation.  From our experience with ...

  10. Constructing New Buildings On the Farm

    have the necessary time? Who will manage current operations? Will there be losses in production during ... bring the building into production: buying additional animals, additional management concerns of new ...
