
Search results

  1. Flower Shop and Greenhouse Annual Holiday Sale

    by Ohio ATI Greenhouse Management students Including red, white, cinnamon, and marble And NEW ...

  2. Entomology Inservice

    management Spotted Wing Drosophila ppt SWD_Ohio_handout Welty website Fruits and Vegetables ... Luis Canas Pest management trends for ornamentals and vegetables produced in greenhouses and high ...

  3. Shawna Rene Jackson

    School. She attended Ohio State ATI in the horse production and management program and was the Deputy Dog ...

  4. Water Management Association of Ohio Annual Conference

    The Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO) is the one organization dedicated to all of ...

  5. Plagiarism Help

    purchasing a research paper and putting their own name on it Instructors who believe that a student has ...

  6. Copper

    Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the ...

  7. Dave Willoughby receives Lifetime Achievement Award from OTF

    December. Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for more ...

  8. Bedbugs Still Major Problem: TV Campaign Teaches Ohioans Do's and Don'ts

    from OSU Extension's Integrated Pest Management Program. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the ... infestation is to contact a licensed, qualified pest management professional who has experience dealing with ... effective pest control measures, including insecticides." However, if a pest management professional is ...

  9. ATI alumnus selected as nationwide Teach Ag ambassador

    more than 100 years. Kelse will be a great representation of our agriscience education program to ...

  10. Stink bug factsheet for soybean growers

    an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and ... OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college.  A native of eastern Asia, the ... “We had reports of fields at economic levels last year in Ohio, which are fairly rare to see in our ...
