
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- October 8, 2012

    article much of what we know of as our own OSUE Competency Model developed a few years ago. Our model ... continuous learning; and competencies around ‘The Business of Extension’ such as resource management ... is Mission Critical Bridging the Language Gap Extending our Cultural “Bridge to Somewhere” Providing ...

  2. Lane Avenue Volunteer Session

    help to manage the labeling of plants throughout the gardens. Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday ...

  3. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    state run or are involved in local leadership programs. At our quarterly CD meeting on October 14, there ...

  4. CD Wire- March 12, 2013

    When you are ready to report, I encourage you to do so in what is probably the one-best place: our new ... tuned! April 3 CD Unit Meeting Please plan to attend our CD Unit Meeting on April 3 to share, learn, and ... opportunities and challenges through research-based educational programming. For additional information, ...

  5. Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

    Once again, we are pleased to offer our Special Holiday 2-for-1 membership promotion. A donation ...

  6. Volunteer Day of Education

    butterflies and Pollinators, why we will never master gardening, the best annuals from our trial gardens plus ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- January 7, 2013

    problem or research question, methods used, results and or findings, conclusions and recommendations. All ... improvements in our teaching; don’t hesitate to ask for formal feedback from me, your supervisor, and/or ... January 15 with a presentation from Douglas Wrenn, postdoctoral researcher and AEDE alumnus, from 11 a.m. ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- June 11, 2012

    on Lake Erie. Our Sea Grant Extension colleagues have planned an exciting day to teach us more about ... webinar will encourage dialog from policy makers, development funders, researchers, and practitioners on ... in what makes a great farm visitor experience should attend... farm or farm market owner, manager ...

  9. Food Security Conference

    Systems. Its goal is to concretely position food security as a priority in food system research and ...

  10. Bee Pollinator Project at the Monarch Waystation

    frequent our gardens.   ...
