
Search results

  1. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    Money Management /Spending Smartly is a five session, two hours each day, self-study ... management situation. If you have questions about the course or need additional assistance, please contact ...

  2. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    Money Management /Spending Smartly is a five session, two hours each day, self-study ... management situation. If you have questions about the course or need additional assistance, please contact ...

  3. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    Money Management /Spending Smartly is a five session, two hours each day, self-study ... management situation. If you have questions about the course or need additional assistance, please contact ...

  4. Spotted Wing Drosophila Research Webinar


  5. Foodborne Pathogens

    according to an analysis by Ohio State University researcher Dr. Robert Scharff published in the January ...

  6. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    Money Management /Spending Smartly is a five session, two hours each day, self-study ... management situation. If you have questions about the course or need additional assistance, please contact ...

  7. Rivers Unlimited

    builders and channelizers, threatening the health of our waterways and the people whose farms, homes, and ... livelihoods depend on them. Our mission is to restore, maintain and improve Ohio's rivers and streams, ... quality of life. The waters of the United States are held in public trust by our governments. The ...

  8. Mental Models

    This webinar was offered in December of 2010, the second in the series "Research to Practice: ... Addressing Non-Point Source Pollution in Ohio". Robyn Wilson (OSU) explains how mental models research ... watersheds differs from experts' understanding.  Anne Baird (OSU Extension) describes research results ...

  9. Dairy Cattle Judging Team seeking sponsors

    are limited, so we are turning to our friends for help.   The estimated 2018 cost is $10,000 or $1,650 ...

  10. Two Ohio State ATI Alumni join Staff

    nursery production and management programs. She is the new laboratory demonstrator in the horticulture ... department manager. As such, Heather has hired and worked closely with Ohio State ATI students and interns. ... Students who have worked for Heather praise her down to earth management style and her positive approach to ...
