
Search results

  1. Find Your Center with Our Newly Added Mindful Wellness Program

    Do you ever feel like you are stuck in your routine? Do you make everyday decisions without thinking about your choice? OSU Extension, Franklin County now has a Mindful Wellness program to help! The Mindful Wellness program is designed to equip healthy ad ...

  2. I am Woman- Watch me Lead

    without changing who you are. This workshop is offered online, at our facility, and as a traveling ... workshop.  Please visit our Upcoming Workshops page for scheduled dates available for registration.  If you ... are interested in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your facility, please contact Jody ...

  3. I Need to Learn Twitter and Facebook!

    own laptops.  We can provide a limited number of laptops This workshop is offered online, at our ... facility, and as a traveling workshop.  Please visit our Upcoming Workshops page for scheduled dates ... available for registration.  If you are interested in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your ...

  4. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools-SOLD OUT

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  5. Discovery Themes Hire for OSUE

    specialist in Nutrition and Weight Management at the University of Kentucky. Ingrid earned dual PhDs in ...

  6. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  7. Cuyahoga River Restoration

    shortly thereafter as a nonprofit organization, to enable funding to flow to support the work. Our ... American Heritage River Initiative, to coordinate efforts with our AHR partners to develop and implement ...

  8. 2016 Ag Outlook

    Production Business Management Matt Roberts, Asst. Professor, OSU Extension Sam Custer, OSU Extension, Darke ...

  9. Social Marketing

    Jack Wilbur is a social marketing and marketing research specialist with more than 20 years of ...

  10. Turbidity

    that can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea and associated headaches. Soil runoff ...
