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  1. 2017 Arbor Day Celebration

    Architecture Norm Booth and Gail Zink for their work in developing our Learning Gardens from 1994-2000 •  ...

  2. PAX Poinsettia Sale

    advantage of our Holiday 2-for-1 Membership Offer. Chadwick Arboretum will be selling planters and note ...

  3. Communiqué June 24, 2015

    Extension; organize and manage logistical details of ongoing events, special events, programs and ... welcome the newest addition to our HR team, Brandi Gilbert-Hammett. Brandi began as our new HR generalist ... experience, knowledge, and impeccable skill set, I am positive Brandi will be a wonderful addition to our ...

  4. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog–USDA website revamp helps with H-2A applications and managing loans

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...

  6. Pumpkin Field Night

    Extension educator and Integrated Pest Management program coordinator. Participants will also see ... a demonstration of how aerial imagery is being used to advance early and late season pest management in cucumbers ... rapid changes in insect and disease management, pesticides and production technology.” The deadline to ...

  7. Chadwick Arboretum Featured on WOSU

    populations of plants, animals, butterflies, can thrive in our very urban environment,” Arboretum director ... Mary Maloney. The piece can be found here Check out our phenology garden ...

  8. MG Coffee Series- Planting Perennials for Bees and Butterflies

    you choose?  We will explore native pollinators, enjoy coffee and a light refreshments with our Master ...

  9. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog-- The Legal Challenges to the Lake Erie Bill of Rights Begin

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. 2016 Seed Swap at Lucky's Market- Fund Raiser for Horticultural Therapy Garden

    Lucky's Market and Chadwick Arboretum have teamed up the raise funds for our Horticultural ...
