
Search results

  1. Small Moon, Big Sun 2

    closer to our eyes, it will appear bigger compared to when the same item is held farther away from our ...

  2. ACEL Banquet

    The annual ACEL banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 16. We invite students our students, ...

  3. Shaohui Wu

    pest management Insect pathology Research areas (30%) My research interest is focused on integrated ... management of arthropod pests and diseases in turfgrass. Research areas in my lab include but are not limited ... exploring for novel and eco-friendly tactics for managing turf pests and diseases. The goal of research is ...

  4. ACEL Alumni Award Recipients

    outstanding alumni of our department. Awards will be presented for three categories- Mentor of Students, Young ...

  5. Donald T. Gordon

    Donald T. Gordon Professor Emeritus Don Gordon's research focused on virus diseases of ... research was done in collaboration with the USDA-ARS maize virus disease research group.- Any- Journal ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Horse Program

    information  Do you have a questions about the Ohio 4- H Horse Program? Contact our office today!   ...

  7. A Day in the Life of a CFAES Student

    her B.S. Agriculture- Plant Pathology and was active in undergraduate research and the student farm.  ...

  8. Update your preferences with Ohio State

    information, and changes can be made with the click of a button. In addition to managing your account details, ...

  9. Show your love for Ohio 4-H with a custom license plate

    support us in our mission of growing 4-H across Ohio to help youth build lifelong skills! Spread the word ...

  10. Foundation grants make camp possible

    in April. A result of a unique partnership between Hocking College, Soil and Water Conservation, the ...
