
Search results

  1. Haylage in a Day?

    Given our recent weather pattern, the topic of haymaking is almost certain to come up in any ... conversation with farmers.  Last week while bemoaning the havoc our rainy weather is inflicting upon harvest ...

  2. Presentations

    Presentations Integrating grain harvesting and preharvest management strategies to minimize losses due to ... U.S.A.   Grafting eggplant to manage soilborne diseases: An international perspective. Oral presentation. ... State University, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (2) Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, ...

  3. Fairfield County Beef School including BQA

    Sciences covering proper health preconditioning programs for feeder calves.- Dr. Francis Fluharty, Research ...

  4. Local Foods Tour Series- Sourcing and Retailing Local Foods

    been serving Lancaster and the surrounding communities since 1932 from our only location at the corner ... your food! Join us for an afternoon exploring outlets for our locally grown commodities. Reservations ...

  5. Solar Energy Workshop

    7 presentations on various aspects of solar energy presented by OARDC researchers, OSU Extension specialists, USDA ...

  6. Farm Tax Law Changes

    Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and ...

  7. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    begin at 12 noon with a light lunch.  Cost for the lunch is $5.00. Our first topic will be: Go Wild, Go ... Native. Our Native plant expert Master Gardener Barbara Velez Barbosa will lead the program as we discuss ... The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. and last for one hour. Please call our office at 740-652-7260 ...

  8. History Timeline

    US agricultural experiment stations with research as a primary mission. 1890- A second Morrill Act ... Wooster in 1894, where it stands today as the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). ... established to provide information to the agriculture community and address horticultural, soil and disease ...

  9. Family Farm Business Meetings Important

    fertilizer purchase, building plans, equipment repair/purchase, livestock marketing etc. or is it a meeting ...

  10. Time to Scout for Stink Bugs in Soybeans

    bugs in soybeans and provides the following information and recommendations: As our beans start to put ...
