
Search results

  1. Bamboo Garden

    plants that deserve to be planted more widely in our gardens. As this collection demonstrates, bamboos ... adaptable plants, and have been completely pest and disease free in our garden. When planting a bamboo, be ... reach its final height. This also means many of the larger bamboos in our collection have not yet ...

  2. Market Watch- May 2012

    returns to management.  These are the dollars from the sale of milk which, after paying for feed and ... debt, build equity, and provide for a return to management of the dairy operation.  The recover from ...

  3. Lynn E. McCall Colorado Spruce Collection

    Members. They spent their lives enthusiastically cheering our Buckeye teams on to victory. Like Lynn, ... the process of adding QR codes to our plant labels throughout the arboretum. If you are walking in the ...

  4. Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared

    manure management, the plan should also address any medical emergency, potential weather-related ...

  5. 2007 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    evaluating management practices on a dairy farm and to interact with representatives in the dairy industry. ...

  6. Make Plans for Immediate Forage Needs

    with the 2012 growing conditions, management of forage feeding is very critical for sustained high milk ...

  7. Dairy Market Update Participation in the Margin Protection Program: Ohio by County With the official sign-up ... my website: Chart 2. MPP-Dairy 2015 ...

  8. Miami County Local Food Summit

    to make a positive impact in our local community. Key Themes/Objectives:- Establishing connections in ...

  9. Evaluating Forage Stands After the Winter Season

    forage stands in early spring, recent research in Ohio and Missouri has shown that more alfalfa plants ...

  10. Trellis Entrance

    the Trellis Entrance welcomes visitors to our Lane Avenue Gardens.           The Trellis Now covered ... adding QR codes to our plant labels throughout the arboretum. If you are walking in the gardens and see ...
