
Search results

  1. Communiqué August 29, 2012

    Extension personnel from OAEP, ESP, and CES to review our strategic plan (launched in 2008) to assess our ... forward. At our September meeting, Administrative Cabinet will be discussing next steps, including the ... research-based information from a prestigious system of universities, and translate it into usable forms for the ...

  2. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference

    Highlights: current scientific knowledge about algal blooms, their causes and best management ...

  3. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    be a more inclusive leader in a way that helps our organization leverage the diversity of skills and ... talents of our employees and volunteers is a goal which I personally strive to improve upon with each new ... Research and Extension grant program in 2011. The purpose of these grants is to provide funds to encourage ...

  4. New Tax and Law Bulletins Available

    We've posted several new bulletins in our library. Go to the tax law library for a bulletin ... on "Why Did My CAUV Values Increase So Much?" Our food law library has several new ...

  5. Renovations Planning Office

    archives covering the specs and history of our buildings and grounds. See their main webpage at ...

  6. Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference

    government in managing human-wildlife conflict. This year's topics include: Raccoons Fisheries ... management in city ponds Wildlife diseases Ohio tourism: letting wildlife work for you Informed consent ...

  7. Performance Management & Coaching Workshop

    As a manager or unit supervisor you have the important responsibility of guiding, directing, and ... managing the performance of individuals you supervise. This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging ... part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching and performance management is a great place to ...

  8. Communiqué October 23, 2013

    Specialists Throughout the year we will be spotlighting the work of our field specialists. In this issue, we ... but the hope is that they can establish one in 2014 based on our meeting and presentation material. ... about our work helping you work more efficiently and effectively. Visit our new blog at ...

  9. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop

    There is no certain strength or set of strengths that create an effective manager. The best ... managers and supervisors figure out how to bring out the best of each employee’s strengths. Previous ... participation at a StrengthsFinder awareness workshop is required. This information can expand the manager ...

  10. 2017 Arbor Day Celebration

    Architecture Norm Booth and Gail Zink for their work in developing our Learning Gardens from 1994-2000 •  ...
