
Search results

  1. Financial Literacy- Money Management Workshop

    Learn to create a monthly budget, improve your credit score, correct errors on your credit report, and more money-saving strategies at these free workshops, held on Aug. 6 and Aug. 13 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Schoenbaum Family Center (175 E. 7th Ave., C ...

  2. Financial Literacy- Money Management Workshop

    Learn to create a monthly budget, improve your credit score, correct errors on your credit report, and more money-saving strategies at these free workshops, held on July 9 and July 16 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Schoenbaum Family Center (175 E. 7th Ave., C ...

  3. Miller courses

    Major diseases of fruit and vegetable crops with emphasis on etiology, epidemiology and management.  Wi ... Disease Management (U  G  5 cr)   Theory and practice of plant disease management; emphasis on integration ... 401, and Sr. standing in agronomy, horticulture, plant health management, or entomology; or permission ...

  4. International Awards

    Sally Miller, IPM Excellence Award, 2009 (co-awardee as member of IPM Collaborative Research ... Support Program) Larry Madden, Fisher Lecturer, Rothamsted Research, England (March 31, 2008) Larry ... of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research Director’s Award 2001 International Alumni Adipala ...

  5. Archive 2012

    Stewart, Research Molecular Biologist, USDA ARS, Wooster Cracking waikavirus code: Progress on Maize ... Nov. 6 Donald Nuss, Professor and Director, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research ... Plant Pathology, Ohio State (Feng Qu, advisor) April 24 Wojciech Janisiewicz, Research Plant ...

  6. CD Wire- May 27, 2014

    with the theme, Next Generation Leadership: Pathways Toward Our Future. The program provided ... these potential impacts will help wildlife managers and nature enthusiasts alike adapt to and ... article for details. Emergency Management Information Available Online: For any county needing resource ...

  7. 2014 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

    and tricks of the trade for aging limitations. Highlights include discussing mobility, managing ... hottest topics in the industry. Our sessions are led by experts in their respective fields and all ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- July 16, 2012

    AD Update: Getting to Know Your Program Finances A quick survey of our program fund balances at ... you for doing so. As our traditional funding sources continue to tighten, the need for ‘other’ funding ... continues to grow. And while these funds belong to OSU, our current environment affords you a great deal of ...

  9. Financial Literacy- Money Management

    Learn how to create a budget, improve your credit and correct errors on your credit report. Workshops are scheduled for April 2 & April 9, May 7 & May 14, June 4 & June 11. Participants must attend both workshops in a given month to receive a ...

  10. Undergraduate Research workshop, Spilling the Beans: The Secrets of Undergraduate Research

    20 Page Hall, Columbus.  RSVP at event website.  Part of Fall Undergraduate Research Week. ...
