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  1. Ohio’s first AgritourismReady conference a success

    Ohio’s new agritourism law, liability management, profitability, adding an activity to an agritourism ... Company LPA.  Guest speakers included Ben King, Risk Management Consultant with Nationwide Insurance, Ryan ... to effectively manage risks, market their enterprises, and better manage their agritourism business. ...

  2. Spring Horticulture Seminar: Spring Into Action!

    Interested in learning about both annual and woody vines that grow well in our climate?  This session will ...

  3. 2016 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    friends to watch our football team bring home the National Championship!   Jordan Bonham Academic Unit: ... of my fellow college ambassadors on our spring break enrichment trip.   Antoinette Metzler Academic ...

  4. A Super Time for Super Berries

    a few of them this year.  Our research team members have propagated a few elderberry plants.  We also ...

  5. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center and OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics prepare the next generation of cooperative leaders

    cooperative principles as they relate to the organization and management of agribusinesses.  OCDC works with ... aspects of managing a co-op compared to investor-owned firms; the concept of the patronage refund and its ... current cooperative managers, directors, or officers who share operational knowledge and real-world ...

  6. Supporter of Cooperatives Inducted into Ohio Ag HOF

    distinct honor. We are happy to count him as one of our advocates for cooperative business and as a member ...

  7. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    University of Benha University, and several other international institutions, we accomplished twelve research ... five cultured stocks across the United States and China using eight microsatellite loci.  Our major ... perch daily from the beginning to the eyed stage.  The results were published in Aquaculture Research ...

  8. Assessment- SLOS- Horticulture and Crop Science

    Horticulture and Crop Science Programs Undergraduate Professional Golf Management Bachelor of ...

  9. Assessment- Evidence- School of Environment and Natural Resources

    Bachelor of Science Environment and Natural Resources FFW- BS Natural Resource Management Bachelor of ...

  10. Campaign Management

    Campaign Management Marketing campaigns are very targeted communications to a specific group, ...
