
Search results

  1. Food Safety Danger Zone

    sharing picnics and BBQs with our families. Based on reports from the Centers for Disease Control and ...

  2. Dress A Girl Around the World- Fashion and Nutrition Board Community Service Day

    service.  Our goal is to make 175 dresses for the "Dress A Girl Around the World" program.  All ...

  3. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    Young dairy calves spend a lot of their day lying down.  Research from the University of Guelph ...

  4. 2011 Seminars

    Autumn 2011- Plant Pathology Seminars Sept. 27- Qiuhong Wang, Research Scientist, Food Animal ... Health Research Program, OARDC, OSU Food safety implications of noroviruses and norovirus-contamination ... seedling pathogens and their management > View presentation Oct. 17- Pierce A. Paul, Assistant ...

  5. Healthy Life

    work together to better our health. ...

  6. Begin Scouting for Alfalfa Weevil

    above that GDD level now in our area and this week OSU Extension entomologists Andy Michel and Kelley ...

  7. 2016 OARDC Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award

    2016 OARDC Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award ...

  8. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    begin at 12 noon with a light lunch.  Cost for the lunch is $5.00. Our first topic will be: Go Wild, Go ... Native. Our Native plant expert Master Gardener Barbara Velez Barbosa will lead the program as we discuss ... The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. and last for one hour. Please call our office at 740-652-7260 ...

  9. Mitchell lab page intro

    but contributed significantly to grant application and managed aspects of NCSU research ... Consortium Research Grants Program, Awarded April 2007, $21,160. PI-  Graduate Fellowships in genomics and ... PI - 2nd International Fungal Proteomics Symposium, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Research ...

  10. 4-H Open House

    age 19. In case of severe winter weather, listen to WQKT 104.5 FM for cancellation notice or check our ... out our Wayne County 4-H website at and the Ohio 4-H website at  Questions, ...
