
Search results

  1. Drainage and Water Management for Now and the Future

    Join OSU Extension Clinton County on June 18 for "Drainage and Water Management for Now and ... Assistant Professor & Field Specialist of Agricultural Water Management: Can Drain T iles Do M ore T han ... J ust Drainage? Bruce Clevenger OSU Extension Field Specialist, Farm Management: Farm Drainage ...

  2. Manure Science Review Coming Thursday August 6th

    will be available for Certified Crop Advisors and Certified Livestock Managers, OH Fertilizer ...

  3. Spring Forage Establishment

    pH that allows for those nutrients to be taken up. Follow the Tri-state Soil Fertility ... Recommendations ( Phosphorus levels for grass ... improve chances for a successful forage establishment this spring. Soil Fertility and pH: Set up your ...

  4. Beating the Heat on Farms

    approach our first heat wave of the season. With forecast highs in the mid to upper 90s and little relief ... to workers in other industries. Ohio State University researchers have estimated that economic loss ... possible at lower levels depending on the health of the individual. Here are some best management practices ...

  5. Pivot Bio

    claiming users reduce their supplemental fertilizer nitrogen. This product was compared in combination with ...

  6. Same ol’ Farm Drainage Research? No, Think Future.

    research a step further and explores how intense drainage in combination with management decisions will ... these drainage and land management practices affect soil health in the long-term? Are there differences ... is the manager of the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Custar, Ohio. He is responsible for ...

  7. Slug Management Considerations and Statewide Slug Monitoring Report – Update #4

    susceptible to meaningful damage.  For more information on slug management, visit our field crop slug ... carefully examining the soil surface, and brushing aside residue and debris (Figure 2).  You can put down ...

  8. Lep Monitoring Network – Corn Earworm Update # 9

    Here at the Lep Monitoring Network, we have just concluded our ninth week of monitoring for Ohio ... pests and are happy to report on our second week of monitoring for corn earworm! While scouting numbers ... subsequently our next newsletter (#10), we will begin reports for western bean cutworm (WBC) moths, compiling ...

  9. Upcoming Webinar: Weather Trends and Pest and Disease Impacts on Soybeans

    management and characterizing climate change impacts on agroecosystems. Her current research uses soybeans ... (Phytophthora and Pythium). We will discuss effective management techniques for these stressors and offer ... We have applied for 1 Integrated Pest Management and 0.5 Crop Management CCA credits. Please visit ...

  10. Upcoming Dicamba Cutoff Reminder

    management practices including product selection and application timing. As always, be sure to check all ...
