
Search results

  1. Small Moon, Big Sun 1

    and Earth and the moon. When we look at an everyday item and hold it closer to our eyes, it will ... appear bigger compared to the same item held farther away from our eyes. The same phenomenon occurs when ... the sun. Start the discussion by asking these questions: What are the names of things found in our ...

  2. Funding Opportunities

    from the research organization affiliated with the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental ... Sciences (CFAES). This research organization is the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ...

  3. Mycology Minor

    management, ecology and forestry, fermentation/brewing and food science. The Mycology Minor is also valuable ... to students interested in multiple areas of biology and chemistry research, including natural ... coursework in biology. Ohio State and the Department of Plant Pathology have several faculty and research ...

  4. Jenny Cox

    Communications for Bickle Farm Solutions and as an entrepreneur and co-manager for Cox Seed Sales and Big Blue ...

  5. CC Allison Award

    the C.C. Allison Award in recognition of high achievement in research and service to the Department of ... Research and Development Center, which honors one outstanding graduate student each year.  He also ... successfully led a crowdfunding campaign on to raise research funds. Showalter graduated in ...

  6. Student Development

    can include building leadership and communication skills, teaching and outreach, project management ... Minors in Entomology, and Soil Science. Graduate School website list Professional societies Many ... support and career development Multidisciplinary Perspectives Courses, research and educational ...

  7. Undergraduate

    Plant Health Management > More info >  Plant Pathology minor >  Mycology minor (science of ... fungi) > General education and introductory courses > Internships > Undergraduate research ... pathologists study plant diseases and plant health, and develop disease management strategies. Here are some ways to ...

  8. Small Moon, Big Sun 3

    sun and Earth and the moon. When we look at an everyday item and hold it closer to our eyes, it will ... appear bigger compared to when the same item is held farther away from our eyes. The same phenomenon ...

  9. Small Moon, Big Sun 2

    closer to our eyes, it will appear bigger compared to when the same item is held farther away from our ...

  10. ACEL Alumni Award Recipients

    outstanding alumni of our department. Awards will be presented for three categories- Mentor of Students, Young ...
