
Search results

  1. Now is the Time for Tax Planning

    Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima (top of page) This ...

  2. Prevention and Treatment of Hairy Heel Warts

    contaminated. There are new footbath systems that manage solutions or allow extended contact time. In ...

  3. Protect Your Back as Spring Planting Continues

    finishing up and summer work is coming on, we must remember to take care of and protect our backs. ...

  4. Flood Information Update

    Managing Flooded Grain Bins Effects of ...

  5. Preventing Barn Fires

    Kent McGuire – OSU Ag Safety and Health Coordinator: Barn fires can be a farmer’s worst nightmare. The majority of barn fires end with tragic, costly, or even heartbreaking outcomes. These losses can include loss of human life, livestock, or valuable equi ...

  6. Thanksgiving Fire Safety

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: Thanksgiving is just around the corner and soon the stovetops, ovens, and turkey fryers will be the workhorses of the day. Alarmingly, according to the National Fire Protection Association (US ...

  7. A Look at the Pricing Opportunity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

    Class III futures prices. For our example, you can see that the July CME Class III futures price is ...

  8. U.S. Dairy Markets and Policy Update

    pricing, through your cooperative to provide price risk management. Item 5: To participate, you must ...

  9. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    Market Price. Emergency hearings to consider re-pooling have been granted and are underway in our sister ...

  10. Health Benefits, Risks, and Regulations of Raw and Pasteurized Milks

    Scientific research has shown that the detrimental effects of pasteurization on the nutritional and ...
