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  1. Communiqué October 23, 2013

    Specialists Throughout the year we will be spotlighting the work of our field specialists. In this issue, we ... but the hope is that they can establish one in 2014 based on our meeting and presentation material. ... about our work helping you work more efficiently and effectively. Visit our new blog at ...

  2. Lake Erie Lakewide Action and Management Plan

    Lake Erie Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy Lake Erie LAMP Manager USEPA Great Lakes National Program ... (312) 353-2018 The Lake Erie LaMP Management Plan ... management issues affecting the plan arise. The LaMP takes an ecosystem approach and deals with the entire ...

  3. Communiqué June 24, 2015

    Extension; organize and manage logistical details of ongoing events, special events, programs and ... welcome the newest addition to our HR team, Brandi Gilbert-Hammett. Brandi began as our new HR generalist ... experience, knowledge, and impeccable skill set, I am positive Brandi will be a wonderful addition to our ...

  4. Natural Channel Designs for Drainage Ditches

    natural stream functions and characteristics, can lower the amount of time it takes to manage property in ... Watershed Network?s Two-Stage Ditch Symposium features speakers who discuss alternative Best Management ...

  5. Renovations Planning Office

    archives covering the specs and history of our buildings and grounds. See their main webpage at ...


    August 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 6-8 p.m. at Grove City-City Hall (4035 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123). Our ...

  7. Pumpkin Field Night

    Extension educator and Integrated Pest Management program coordinator. Participants will also see ... a demonstration of how aerial imagery is being used to advance early and late season pest management in cucumbers ... rapid changes in insect and disease management, pesticides and production technology.” The deadline to ...

  8. HCS Spring 2016 Seminar Series: Developing winter-hardy malting barley for Ohio

    barley a key breeding target for researchers. In Ohio winter barley of very high malting quality can be ... genetic components that are greatly influenced by the environment. As the Stockinger research program is ... winter-hardy malting quality barley is a natural extension of the research program. In this seminar I will ...

  9. HOME BUYER EDUCATION: Reynoldsburg

    RM 130 (6699 E. Livingston Ave. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068). Our program is one of only a handful in ...

  10. Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    shrub care, turfgrass management, garden center and greenhouse innovation, general pest and disease ... management, emerging ideas and issues, sustainable landscaping, and sediment and erosion control. Credits ...
