
Search results

  1. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2

    conservation is recognizing and understanding the bees in our own backyards,” Ellsworth said. Across Ohio, many ...

  2. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 1-2 pm

    Learn strategies for finding funding that is specifically tailored to your research interests. We ...

  3. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN) with Jeff Agnoli 10-11 am

    Learn strategies for finding funding that is specifically tailored to your research interests. We ...

  4. Sheep Team

    OSU Extension Sheep Team Our mission is t o improve the profitability, viability and ...

  5. Navigating the CFAES Research Enterprise

    Join us to learn the different responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Grant Development Support Unit, and the Office of Sponsored Programs when working on sponsored project proposals and throughout the life of a project. Presenters: Lori Kaser, Gra ...

  6. Meet and Greet with our CFAES Sponsored Program Officers-Wooster Campus

    with our Sponsored Program Officers! The SPOs will discuss their role and provide practical advice on ...

  7. Publications and Resources

    Livestock Environmental Assurance Program- online course Livestock Information Sites Meat Animal Research ...

  8. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    effective Research suggests that bug zappers, electronic or ultrasonic repellent devices and scented or ...

  9. The Taste of Fairfield County Agriculture

    visiting your local food market. Tickets for this event are FREE and available at OSU Extension, Soil and ...

  10. Sprucing up the Farm Science Review Site

    Conservation Area to stop erosion, said Garrett Nowak, the new site manager. Nowak was named to his position in ...
