
Search results

  1. Student Profile: Gage Smith

    a “superior” American. Once a week, I caught a cab (an adventure in and of itself!), met up with our Extension ...

  2. News-- Faculty, staff honored for teaching, advising and years of service

    Hostetler, business Distinguished Teaching Award — Jon Witter, agricultural technologies Research and ...

  3. News: David Willoughby Received Lifetime Achievement Award from Ohio Turfgrass Foundation

    David Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for ...

  4. Twi-light Field Crops Program

    Jenn Deck, commodities risk manager for Interstate, will also be on hand to discuss market risk ... management strategies. Reservations are requested by filling out the on-line form linked here, or by calling ...

  5. Alumnus named to crops manager position

    Scott Ruck is Ohio State ATI's new crops manager. Scott is a 2011 graduate of the Ohio State ... responsible for sales of John Deere Agricultural Management Solutions, equipment and services. He also ...

  6. Flower Shop and Greenhouse Annual Holiday Sale

    by Ohio ATI Greenhouse Management students Including red, white, cinnamon, and marble And NEW ...

  7. Local Foods Farm Tour: Slate Run Vineyard

    wines are made. Know your farmer, know your food! Join us for an evening exploring one of our producers ...

  8. Shawna Rene Jackson

    School. She attended Ohio State ATI in the horse production and management program and was the Deputy Dog ...

  9. Plagiarism Help

    purchasing a research paper and putting their own name on it Instructors who believe that a student has ...

  10. Dave Willoughby receives Lifetime Achievement Award from OTF

    December. Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for more ...
