
Search results

  1. Freezing Cooked Foods

    Your Foods Proper packaging prevents loss of nutrients and moisture, changes in color and flavor, and ...

  2. Distinguishing Emerald Ash Borer from Native Borers

    Department of Entomology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and State Specialist, Ohio State ...

  3. Fall Strip Tillage Systems: An Introduction

    (warmer, mellow seed bed) banding of fertilizer –placing nutrients near crop roots may allow reduced rates ... Tillage–Strip Tillage Series, Ohio On-Farm Research ... Engineering Strip tillage is a relatively new soil conservation system useful for today’s farmers. In Ohio it ...

  4. Cultivating the Practice of Family Philanthropy

    family. Giving establishes relationships and reinforces social ties. "How can we expect our children ... (2001). The Giving Family: Raising Our Children to Help Others (1st ed.). Council on Foundations. Scheer, ...

  5. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    member is not a manager and would be considered a limited partner if the business had been formed as ... day-to-day management. As with any entity, you might still be liable personally for an act such as driving an ... protection. In other words, LLCs provide more flexibility in who can be involved in management decisions ...

  6. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    as responses after occurrence (e.g., fertilizer management, remedial product applications, crop ... (KSU, n.d.). Management decisions to lessen the negative yield impacts from short-term severe weather ... plants can occur at temperatures below 46 F. Colder soil temperatures also result in more calendar days ...

  7. Interpreting Manure Sample Test Results   Ag Crops and Livestock manure management soil test nitrogen manure test potassium phosphorus ... fertilizer. Crop nutrient needs can be determined from the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations, available ... potassium and other nutrients in the field. Additionally, the soil’s cation exchange capacity (CEC) will be ...

  8. 4-H Projects and Requirements

    & Citizenship Money Management Natural Resources Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ...

  9. Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio

    fertilizer trials fertilizer recommendations soil nutrient management micronutrients soil conditions ... of the unfertilized crop yield Data Sources: Jay Johnson Soil Fertility Research Reports, 1976 to ... Recommendations Update Project, unpublished data. Farm Management soil fertility corn soybean alfalfa wheat ...

  10. Calculating Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, and Calcium Saturation

    important soil measurements that help determine how a soil is managed and fertilized. While standard soil ... Capacity (CEC) Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a fundamental soil property used to predict plant nutrient ... availability and retention in the soil. It is the potential of available nutrient supply, not a direct ...
