
Search results

  1. VanStavern Scholarship

    scholarship is awarded to a student presenting research relevant to high-quality beef supply or demand at the ...

  2. Future Students

    Study abroad in a foreign country, engage in research  related or unrelated to your major,  join a ... Research   The Department of Animal Sciences is one of 11 departments or schools within the College of ...

  3. Horticulture Resources

    and outreach construct based at the  OSU Wooster campus. Our program is dedicated to research and ...   Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops and Vegetable Gardens If you need your soil ... tested, this article provides instructions on how to collect soil samples, as well as where to get your ...

  4. Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management in Hops

    The Soil Fertilty Lab is looking for hop growers to participate in our new research project. ... with you to answer questions and establish best practices in hop soil fertility and nutrient ... that we hope to expand upon with further research after completion. Inputs from growers, as well as our ...

  5. Advising

    Degree Majors Minors Schedule of Classes and Course Catalog Honors Study Abroad Research Internships ...

  6. Jason Hartschuh

    Jason Hartschuh Courtesy Faculty Assistant Professor- Field Specialist, Dairy Management, and ...

  7. Bo Harstine

    Bo Harstine Adjunct Assistant Professor- Director of Research, Select Sires Inc. ...

  8. Global Education

    offers over 20 global education options to students. Approximately 25% of the students in our college ...

  9. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education ...

  10. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others online

    more effective in our change efforts. Today’s leaders must manage change in their units & teams and ... does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their respective implications provide us with the tools to be ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...
