
Search results

  1. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    University of Kentucky Extension Managing and Controlling Digital Dermatitis; Thompson and Bewley, University ...

  2. It’s Back To School We Go!

    how will the rest of the year go?  Time management experts suggest that if we take the first two weeks ...

  3. Avian Influenza: What’s it mean for Fairfield County Poultry Growers and Exhibitors?

    migrate back and forth through our state. For more information about the concerns for avian flu, review ... this recent news release from our college: http ... hobby – to work to protect not only our youth project birds, but most importantly Ohio’s $2.3 billion ...

  4. Monitor Wheat for Risk of Head Scab

    vomitoxin become our biggest concerns. Scab develops best and the risk is highest when wet, humid weather ... across most of the state for wheat that is flowering.  Most of our wheat is not yet at the flowering ...

  5. Avian Influenza

    Wayne County, commercial poultry is an important component of our vibrant agriculture economy and it is ...

  6. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    effective Research suggests that bug zappers, electronic or ultrasonic repellent devices and scented or ...

  7. Navigating the CFAES Research Enterprise

    Join us to learn the different responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Grant Development Support Unit, and the Office of Sponsored Programs when working on sponsored project proposals and throughout the life of a project. Presenters: Lori Kaser, Gra ...

  8. New Fertilizer Certification Training


  9. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Trainings


  10. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Trainings

