
Search results

  1. Current Dairy Youth Programs

    upon us.  However, I would like to report that we recently conducted our annual Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz ... Bowl on July 5th.   If you think you might be smarter than our dairy 4-Hers, we encourage you to show ... you know any of our youth who participated.  Dairy Agenda Today is also featuring all of our news ...

  2. Bovine Calving Management Training: Dystocia and Calf Care

    University This bovine calving management course available from Veterinary Extension within the Department of ... a framework to develop applied skills on bovine calving management for immediate use. Identification of ... hygiene practices, and management of the newborn will be covered in this short course. The course includes ...

  3. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    Is there an acceptable level of overstocking? Research that has been done on stalls per cow reveals ... cows/stall.  Barn design and layout can influence the exact number, as well as barn management. As farms exceed ... manager may not be aware of the decreased milk production potential or the increased health issues. The ...

  4. Transitioning of Herds to Automatic Milking Systems

    changing health management, non-AMS transition issues caused by converting from tiestall to freestall, ... milk quality, finances, and employee management and training. Overall, producers positively scored all ...

  5. Guidelines for Feeding Low Forage Diets to Dairy Cows

    management is required when low forage diets are fed. Generally speaking, diets should contain a minimum of ... Assuming that 75% of the NDF should be forage, 21% FNDF would be needed in the ration; however, research ... FNDF:NFC of 0.45 to 0.50 appears adequate. Management of low forage feeding programs must be very intense; ...

  6. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    12:30 PM on April 28. The themes this year are Nutrition and Animal Health, Heifer Management, and Feed ... to our web site: Additional information also is available by ...

  7. Ohio State, Cal Poly, Cornell, and UW-Madison Earn 1st Place at the 2010 National Dairy Challenge

    farm-specific data. Teams used this information and their observations to develop management recommendations, ... Challenge is so highly thought of by all of those who have participated throughout our history of now just ...

  8. Twin Row Corn Silage Research Plot Results

    twin-row corn production research plots at the Darke County Research Farm for the last 3 years. Last year, ... tolerance and it's recommended planting populations for soils with greater than 15 cation exchange ...

  9. Estimating Alfalfa Neutral Detergent Fiber in the Field

    the standing crop reaches 40% NDF because of the effect of harvest and storage losses. In our ... length of the tallest stem in the 2-square-foot area. Measure it from the soil surface (next to plant ...

  10. Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!

    management areas. We focus here on animal housing and care.  Trust that farmers will do right Exit surveys ... months to block the wind and snow (Figure 2). They see housing that is well-managed to protect animals ... than our old tiestalls or stantions in the red barn of the 50’s or the bedded packs of the 60’s. ...
