
Search results

  1. Beryllium

    weathering of rocks and soils or from industrial wastewater discharges. The major source of environmental ... soil does not dissolve in water and remains bound to soil. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water ...

  2. McClain selected for national agricultural education scholarship

    Paris, Ohio during Spring Semester 2019. “Our department was thrilled to learn of Cody as a recipient of ...

  3. Money Management

    Basic Money Management Basic Money Management is a 90 minute classroom workshop that focuses on ... providing the basics of money management including:  setting up and managing a monthly budget, determining ... are $10 per person. Basic Money Management Flyer [PDF] Educator Contact Information: County FCS ...

  4. How The Nature Conservancy's In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program is Working to Raise the Bar

    to our nation’s streams and wetlands. This requires that any impacts to jurisdictional waters must be ... projects that do the most good for the watershed.   Devin Schenk is the Mitigation Program Manager for The ...

  5. Carbofuran

    Carbofuran is a broad spectrum insecticide that is sprayed directly onto soil and plants just after emergence ... California. The major source of carbofuran in drinking water is leaching of soil fumigant used on rice and ... suggest human source Leaching of soil fumigant used on rice and alfalfa TREATMENT OPTIONS Granular ...

  6. Spring 2020- Kick it up a Notch: Next Level Management Series

    Leadership development for professionals who manage teams, departments, processes, or projects ...

  7. Program Excellence Through Research Grant

    Program Excellence Through Research Grant Extension Educator  Pat Brinkman, Fayette County, was ... through Research Award at the conference held November 2-5 in White Sulphur Springs, WV. In receiving the ... Stefura,  Marilyn Rabe  and  Susan Zies. The Program Excellence through Research Award recognizes NEAFCS ...

  8. Salsa Canning Demonstration

    canning salsa Accessing resources from the USDA, OSU Extension, and other research-based home food ...

  9. Support the fight against cancer

    another, and there has been so much progress in the fight. My hope is that our children's children ...

  10. 2016 River Summit in Dayton

    develop a regional strategy which leverages our most unique asset, the Great Miami and Mad Rivers. ... communities realize the untapped potential our River Corridors have for our region, both economically and ...
