
Search results

  1. Hexachlorobenzene

    very slowly and still persists in the environment. Small particles stick to soil and remain in ...

  2. Ethylene dibromide

    When soil and climatic conditions are favorable, EDB may get into drinking water by runoff into surface ...

  3. Volunteer Opportunity

    will be this Thursday, September 5, at 2:00pm in 1080 Physics Research Building.   Please let us know ...

  4. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops

    2 of our Graduate Students won awards from the Association for the Advancement of Industrial ...

  5. Beaver Creek Wetlands Association

    forests and prairies. BCWA promotes the use of these protected areas for education, research and ...

  6. Mill Creek Watershed Partnership

    has obtained a ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to develop a comprehensive community ... Storm water Management Facility in Warrenville Heights, Ohio, by all watershed communities. 04110002 ...

  7. Victoria Chen wins Emerging Service-Learning and Emerging Community Engagement Awards

    offering research/outreach services, technical assistance, and hands-on field activities.   Emerging ...

  8. Maumee RAP

    Ohio requirements for a watershed action plan, with attention to the nonpoint source management ... measures of the Ohio Coastal Management Plan, and consideration of TMDL and Natural Resource Damage ...

  9. Applications to join the Fall 2013 Construction Management Competition Team Due

      Thank you for your interest in joining the Fall 2013 Construction Management Competion Team! ...

  10. AU13 Construction Management Competition Team

    Thank you for your interest in joining the Fall 2013 Construction Management Competion Team! ...
