
Search results

  1. How do we collectively conceptualize “soil health” and how do we use that to guide meaningful research and extension?

    farmers and other researchers a few key questions: 1) How high of a priority soil health is to farmers? 2) ... How do you define "soil health"? How does that compare to others definitions? Former ... How are we all thinking about soil health?  3) How useful do farmers find current soil health tests? ...

  2. Steve Culman interviews with Market Day Report

    Interested in learning more about soil fertility? Having your soil analyzed is the first step to ... increasing profitability. Watch Steve's interview about soil sampling to learn more. Soil Fertility Soil ... Sampling Soil Health Videos ...

  3. 2015 Field Crops Day

    Program includes: •Management of Soil Borne Diseases in Ohio •Results of Nine Year P and K Fertilization ... Agronomic Practices to Improve Soil Quality See flyer for more information ...

  4. Congratulations to Leo Deiss for Advancing IR Methodology!

    (mid-DRIFTS) of soils is a high priority to enable robust soil testing. Our aims were to determine suitable ... soil analysis. Based on a series of three papers that evaluated A) sample preparation, B) instrument ... to improve mid-DRIFTS efficiency to measure soil properties. The three articles, first authored by ...

  5. Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House

    Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House  Saturday July 23. Brewing? Growing? Thinking of ... Growing? Visit commercial Ohio hop yards and talk to the growers. Please give us a heads up that ... you're coming by clicking on the RSVp form on the Ohio Hop Growers Guild Facebook. Check out ...

  6. Managing Backyard Invasives

    Details coming soon ...

  7. Congrats Jordon Wade on publishing expansive soil health study!

    aggregated research corn N rate trials across the Midwest to ask the question "do improvements in soil ... help validate some important assumptions we hold about the value of soil health in agriculture. Jordon ... soil health can help mitigate the risk of underfertilizing with N. So farmers that improve their soil ...

  8. Kernza Combine Harvest 2020 Fremont Image Slide Gray Marquee ...

  9. Private & Commercial Fertilizer Recertification

    Private & Commercial Fertilizer Recertification Due to COVID-19, the deadline for pesticide ... for pesticide recertification and $10 for fertilizer recertification.  Pre-Registration is required. ...      March 15:  12:30 pm- 4:30 pm 12:30pm-1:30pm, Fertilizer Recertification (Category 15) 1:30 ...

  10. Manage Your Money Virtual Program

    Manage Your Money is a five-week program that helps people and families learn how to manage their ... to making a spending and savings plan. $ Controls: Managing debt and credit, credit records and ...
