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HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Learn More
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cattle: IS preventable and well-managed with strong ...
Solar Eclipse Information and Viewing Guidelines
a lot of planning by our emergency management officials and the communities to make sure that we are ... exhibits from campus researchers. Our office will be closed for the day as our staff will be at there as ... prepared for a huge influx of visitors. According to the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, total solar ...
Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly
been planted, at least partially, and the rye is being harvested to start our annual feed storage ... process. The cooler temperatures have probably helped slow our small grain growth, briefly extending the ... getting our small grain silage harvested and stored properly to ensure that we are producing the highest ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... $15.95/cwt with March at $16.33/cwt. Nutrient Prices It can be helpful to compare the prices in Table 1 to ... higher than the 5-year average ($0.44/lb). To estimate profitability at these nutrient prices, the ...
Rhubarb Is The Vegetable That Acts Like A Fruit
antioxidant. The American Institute for Cancer Research says that anthocyanins have demonstrated protective ... effects on blood vessels and blood pressure, and recent research suggests that anthocyanins may offer ... CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...
Common Plant Names Cause Common Misconceptions
a plant in our landscape and their associated ecosystem benefits. Seems easy enough to understand right? ... outcompete and displace our native plant species. Our native burning bush is Euonymus atropurpurea. Native ... take time to read the scientific names and do a little research to make sure you are actually buying ...
Why Do Cows Bunch?
dairy consulting, I have observed some unusual bunching behavior of dairy cows in well managed and ... bunch in well managed and comfortable barns? Cow Behavior C ows were created with a four chambered ... prey. We don’t have cheetahs in our dairy barns as a threat to our cows, but the response to stress is ...
Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification Courses for Wayne & Holmes Counties
Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification Courses for Holmes and Wayne Counties You Must Call ... 12:00 Categories offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Fertilizer Application Recertification 2:00 to 3:00 ... Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Fertilizer Application Recertification 1:00 to 2:00 Pre-Register: Wayne County ...
Assessing Forage Stands and Winter Damage
Jason Hartschuh, Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State ... a common form of winter damage seen in the field. This is a more common problem in heavier clay soils and ... poorly draining soils. Warmer temperatures occurring sporadically in February and March, followed by ...
Forage Is Important To Overall Livestock Health
growing year weather, soil fertility, and harvest stage. This will create a wide possibility of forage ... our own bodies for that case, has to decide what to do with each bite of food they take. What happens ... with the nutrients in each bite is dependent on what the body is being asked to do. This nutrient ...