
Search results

  1. Corn Silage Pricing

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... for the variable costs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals, machinery, labor, insurance, etc.) and fixed ... $550/acre and fixed land, labor, and management costs at $444/acre for a total cost of $994/acre to grow and ...

  2. Phosphorus Nutrient Management for Yield and Reduced P Loss at Edge of Field

    (i.e., blind inlets) to reduce soil and nutrient losses. No application of P containing fertilizer or ... Professor and State Specialist in Soil Fertility, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio ... organic (i.e., manure, biosolids, compost) nutrient sources to frozen or snow-covered soil unless applied ...

  3. Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops

    can best utilize nutrients, managing your nitrogen source, and comparing the total cost of fertilizer ... compare single nutrient fertilizers. Calculating Fertilizer Cost Based on Soil-Test Results Rarely do ... the nutrient level of the soil and the amounts of lime and fertilizers necessary to achieve ...

  4. Soil Sampling to Develop Nutrient Recommendations

    fertility program starts with a representative soil sample that is used to develop nutrient recommendations. ... Grid Sampling Zone Management Sampling Strengths Non-mobile nutrients P, K and pH Soil test levels ... zone management algae growth fertile soil no-till systems composite sample crop debris Agriculture and ...

  5. The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses

    Manager's Library Series AEDE-0019 Agriculture and Natural Resources 05/17/2024 John Foltz, ... research indicates, "It's tough to do both. If you don't figure out which matters most to ... management in big-picture planning. However, the owner(s) retain ultimate decision-making authority. INNER ...

  6. Yellowjackets

    colonies containing workers, queens, and males (drones). Fertilized queens overwinter in hollow logs, under ... loose bark of dead trees, soil cavities, and other protected places. These queens emerge during the warm ... fertilized, new queens seek protected places to overwinter. Abandoned nests typically decompose and ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Gabe Bertke

    Meet Gabe Bertke | OSU HCS Alumnus Class of 2022 Gabe Bertke is a Research Greenhouse Technician ... based at the Controlled Environment Agricultural Research Complex (CEARC) here at The Ohio State ... University. He received his BS (2022) from our department in Sustainable Plant Systems with a  Horticulture ...

  8. Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality Wang, Y. T., Zhang T. Q., O'Halloran I. P., Tan C. S., Hu Q. C. & Reid D. K. (2011). Soil ... practices beyond 4R nutrient management (right source, right rate, right time, and right place) may be ... for subsurface drainage between 112 to 200 ppm (Table 1). Guidelines for nutrient management planning ...

  9. Home

    organizations allow us to provide quality, research-based educational programs throughout the community. Check out the ... video below to see how important this is to us! View more about what we offer on our Programs Pages ... Contact our staff for more information and to get started!       If you or your organization received an ...

  10. Sustainability Series III: What is the Deal with These Carbon Markets?

    marketplaces. There are 3 rd parties who provide verification and review the scientific research for new carbon ... this may change with time. What is the bottom line? The main thing to be conscious of is that our dairy ...
