
Search results

  1. Summer Semester Graduation Party

    accomplishments of many of our FST students and faculty as well as recent additions to our staff. The party will ...

  2. Fashion and Nutrition Board Meeting

    We will hear from American Eagle manager about clothing styles to fit your figure and about the ...

  3. K. Mancl

    Subject: Re: Conference room  Jim  Please reserve Room 202 for 10 to noon  for Friday May 1 for a research ...

  4. Fall Semester FST Graduation Party

    lobby as we gather to recognize our fall semester graduates and acknowledge other notable ...

  5. OSU at IFT Friends and Alumni Reception

    and friends to attend our Annual OSU Reception and Mixer at the IFT Annual Meeting. If you are ... June 22nd from 5:30- 7:00 p.m. at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside. Also, be sure to stop by our booth ...

  6. FABE study shows fish from Lake Erie are safe to eat, despite algae bloom

    a study from The Ohio State University. Researchers have finished one year of the study into how harmful ...

  7. Ohio State Awarded Three Grants to Support International Collaboration on Global Issues

    and the United Kingdom to foster multilateral research collaborations with higher education ...

  8. Avian Influenza: What’s it mean for Fairfield County Poultry Growers and Exhibitors?

    migrate back and forth through our state. For more information about the concerns for avian flu, review ... this recent news release from our college: http ... hobby – to work to protect not only our youth project birds, but most importantly Ohio’s $2.3 billion ...

  9. K. Buzard

    Associate College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, ...

  10. Survey of Flavor Science Short Course

    Overview: The Flavor Research and Education Center is proud to be partnering with the American ...
