
Search results

  1. Support the Ohio 4-H Foundation

    Grant Recipients   And a special thank you to our generous donors who have made the following grant ... completed in 2008, serves as the home of Ohio 4-H, the headquarters for cutting-edge research in youth ...

  2. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    a significant thing — that I had the opportunity to influence the lives of many of our 4-H leaders, not only in ...

  3. Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD)

    while the MWCD manages the reservoirs behind the dams. The MWCD also has several active and inactive ...

  4. Friends of the Ravines

    Our goal is to educate and involve the public in conservation efforts to restore and preserve these ... distribute our official publication, Ravinia, twice a year- Lobby city council and public officials to ...

  5. Aluminum

    GENERAL INFORMATION Virtually all food, water, air, and soil contain some aluminum. Since aluminum ...

  6. 4-H’ers On the Road to History and Government – Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.

    Center, Chevy Chase, MD An exciting time in our country’s history comes every four years when the ... and history. A chartered bus will deliver us to the National 4-H Conference Center for our four-day ...

  7. Hexachlorobenzene

    very slowly and still persists in the environment. Small particles stick to soil and remain in ...

  8. Ethylene dibromide

    When soil and climatic conditions are favorable, EDB may get into drinking water by runoff into surface ...

  9. James L. Jordan of Williams County Receives the 2012 Charles Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award

    Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award winner, James L. Jordan, formerly our colleague in Butler County but now, ...

  10. Mill Creek Watershed Partnership

    has obtained a ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to develop a comprehensive community ... Storm water Management Facility in Warrenville Heights, Ohio, by all watershed communities. 04110002 ...
