
Search results

  1. Strontium

    GENERAL INFORMATION Strontium is a naturally occurring element found in rocks, soil, dust, coal, ...

  2. Antimony

    incinerators. High levels of antimony can be found in the air, water and soil in polluted areas. HEALTH EFFECTS ...

  3. Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD)

    while the MWCD manages the reservoirs behind the dams. The MWCD also has several active and inactive ...

  4. Mitchell outreach and engagement list

    School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High School in research projects at NCSU 2003-2007 Laurinburg ... Charter High School - negotiated equipment donation by Fisher Scientific and provided 1-day research ... Developed 4 molecular biology research activity kits and rotations to North Carolina High Schools 2002-2007 ...

  5. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    state run or are involved in local leadership programs. At our quarterly CD meeting on October 14, there ...

  6. More Faculty Awards and Recognition

    (2004) Excellence in Soybean Research- Terry L. Niblack Excellence in Soybean Research, Illinois Soybean ... Graduate Research Mentorship- Guo-Liang Wang (2009) Research Award of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor ... Society of Agriculture, OSU- Guo-Liang Wang (2007) OARDC Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award- ...

  7. Friends of the Ravines

    Our goal is to educate and involve the public in conservation efforts to restore and preserve these ... distribute our official publication, Ravinia, twice a year- Lobby city council and public officials to ...

  8. CD Wire- March 12, 2013

    When you are ready to report, I encourage you to do so in what is probably the one-best place: our new ... tuned! April 3 CD Unit Meeting Please plan to attend our CD Unit Meeting on April 3 to share, learn, and ... opportunities and challenges through research-based educational programming. For additional information, ...

  9. Aluminum

    GENERAL INFORMATION Virtually all food, water, air, and soil contain some aluminum. Since aluminum ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- January 7, 2013

    problem or research question, methods used, results and or findings, conclusions and recommendations. All ... improvements in our teaching; don’t hesitate to ask for formal feedback from me, your supervisor, and/or ... January 15 with a presentation from Douglas Wrenn, postdoctoral researcher and AEDE alumnus, from 11 a.m. ...
