
Search results

  1. BioOhio Board Member Announcement

    manufacturing, quality & regulatory affairs, and research & development. It is our pleasure to welcome: ... healthcare revenue management, infection prevention & decontamination, medical technology, pharmaceutical ... Shauna R. Brummet, Ph.D., President & CEO, BioHio Research Park, an affiliate of The Ohio State ...

  2. Managing Using Leadership Styles

    Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”-Peter Drucker Are you ... a leader, manager, or both? How do you balance these different styles and skills? To be successful in ... style is. Manager and leader are two different roles, and as a supervisor, you will have to be ...


    Updates by OARDC-funded scientists on their multi-year organic soil management project; oat, corn ...

  4. Our Customers

    Leadership Series, The Women's Place, The Ohio State University USDA/ARS Soil Drainage Research Temple ... Resource Managers/SHRMM, Ross County Borden Foods Corporation Business Office, OSU Extension Center for ... Ross County Labor and Management Committee Scioto Co. Childcare Providers Annual Meeting Scott's ...

  5. Introverted Leadership online

    article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... how can an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that ...

  6. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others through Change

    more effective in our change efforts. Today’s leaders must manage change in their units & teams and ... does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their respective implications provide us with the tools to be ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...

  7. Campus Information

    The Wooster Campus of Ohio State University includes the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... to ensure that our college mission areas have access to all of the available resources. The Wooster ... exciting opportunity to strengthen and grow our collective Wooster community. If you have an item that ...

  8. First Run Friday: Ethics and Leadership online

    workplace and in our communities. In addition, the workshop introduces strategies to effectively handle ... ethical leadership including role of mentors, our values, and distinguishing between ethical and unethical ...

  9. Communication and Conflict Management

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct ... specifically, you'll learn- • How conflict is negative and how conflict can be positive in our management ... impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our ...

  10. Managing Multiple Generations

    How are you managing the multi-generational workplace? The American workforce is much more diverse ... Our current workplace has at least three generations working together. Each generation has unique ...
