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  1. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis Lyme Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— ... References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCa). (2023, January). Lyme disease, ... TickEncounter. (2023). How to do a tick check: tips for you and your pet [Video]. YouTube. ...

  2. Statistics and Agricultural Research

    Horticulture and Crop Science Steve Culman, Assistant Professor and Soil Fertility Specialist, School of ... experimenter (differences in soil texture, topography, soil compaction, rainfall, nutrient status, disease ... of other possible explanations for the yield increase (historical management differences, fertility ...

  3. Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Preferred soil pH: 5.5–7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop crimson clover. Heat tolerance Good ... Drought tolerance Good Shade tolerance Very good Low fertility tolerance Good Winter survival Great ... fertilizer replacement). Additional performance information: May cause bloat when grazed Rates excellent for ...

  4. Corn Growing Degree Days: A Method of Maturity Rating for Hybrids

    dates. This information helps practitioners plan crop management during the season. Though GDD can be ... hybrid, regardless of when it is planted. Under delayed planting situations, research has suggested that ... implementing management practices is still recommended to ensure that those practices are used efficiently and ...

  5. Diplodia Tip Blight of Two-Needled Pines

    soil, soil nutrient analysis by a reputable lab may be warranted. Building organic soil fertility with ... although they are not damaged. Management Avoid planting susceptible pines in areas that are prone to cool ... and wet weather in the spring followed by drought or dry soil conditions during the rest of the year. ...

  6. Hops in Ohio: Beneficial Arthropods

    Management in Hops. Washington Hop Commission. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests hops ... chemicals that keep hop pests in check, there are also multiple arthropods throughout the hop yard that can ... OSU Extension fact sheet Hops in Ohio: Pests). By July, numbers can reach a level where predatory ...

  7. Growing Muskmelons in the Garden

    fertilizer nutrients per 1,000 square feet of plot space would be adequate: 1 pound of actual nitrogen, ... raise the soil pH to the range of 6.4 to 6.7. Pest Management Insect Management Adequate spacing between ... a warm season crop, adapted to average monthly temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees F, and needing ample soil ...

  8. Growing Rhubarb in the Home Garden

    preferably, overnight.  Fertilization Work the following nutrients into the soil prior to planting crowns and ... harvest as nutrients in the soil may be depleted. Do not work fertilizer into soil for established ... soils, but grows best in fertile, loamy, well-drained soil that has good organic matter content. Careful ...

  9. Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    fertilizer replacement). Nitrogen release can vary considerably depending on stand density and growth, soil ... average): June 10–Aug. 16 Upright growth habit: 16–20 inches Preferred soil pH: 6.2–7.0 Table 1. Rating the ... clover. Nitrogen source Good Soil builder Very good Erosion fighter Very good Weed fighter Very good ...

  10. Ohio Tobacco Farm Custom Rates 2010

    publication are based on a survey conducted in 2010 of 44 farmers, custom operators, farm managers, and ... ( Farm Economics Facts and Opinions ( Estimating Farm ... University Extension, Brown County; and Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management; Department of ...
