
Search results

  1. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  2. Financial Literacy- Money Management Workshop

    Learn to create a monthly budget, improve your credit score, correct errors on your credit report, and more money-saving strategies at these free workshops, held on Aug. 6 and Aug. 13 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Schoenbaum Family Center (175 E. 7th Ave., C ...

  3. Financial Literacy- Money Management Workshop

    Learn to create a monthly budget, improve your credit score, correct errors on your credit report, and more money-saving strategies at these free workshops, held on July 9 and July 16 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Schoenbaum Family Center (175 E. 7th Ave., C ...

  4. Financial Literacy- Money Management

    Learn how to create a budget, improve your credit and correct errors on your credit report. Workshops are scheduled for April 2 & April 9, May 7 & May 14, June 4 & June 11. Participants must attend both workshops in a given month to receive a ...

  5. HCS Seminar Series: Screening for resistance and modes of virulence in soybean; Brown Marmorated Stinkbug interactions

    components as a mechanical barrier to stylet penetration. our results also suggest aphid resistance may ...

  6. Fisher Auditorium

    classroom, and OARDC research library. The Auditorium has 976 seats (+12 wheelchair accessible spaces), each ...

  7. Visit Wooster

    and OARDC, with its world-renowned research programs. The Wooster campus was established in 1892 as ...

  8. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training March 14, 2018

    Click here for registration flyer with more information. ...

  9. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification for Private Applicators Feb. 26 day meeting

    Click here for registration flyer with more information. ...

  10. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification for Private Applicators Feb. 8 night meeting

    Click here for Registration flyer with more information ...
