
Search results

  1. Local Food Farm Tour: Rockside Vineyard

    our producers of locally grown foods. Reservations are not required, but are appreciated by contacting ...

  2. ‘Toledo was a wakeup call’: Dean announces new water quality initiative

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, of which OARDC is the research arm. “Just over a month ago, the city ...

  3. Utilizing Genomic Selection to Accelerate the Pace of Developing FHB Resistant Wheat Varieties

    (Tritfcum aestfvum L) ano other cereals. one Important aspect for managing FHB in wheat Is breeding tor ...

  4. Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams

    Healthy: An Overview of Integrated Plant Health Management”. (Available online at: ...

  5. Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals

    Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal Grand Challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches.  RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting thes ...

  6. Plant Microbial Ecology and Biopesticide Development Laboratory Department of Plant Pathology The Ohio State University Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  7. Boehm Reception

    Bricker Hall, home of the university's central administration Above left, Ira Deep, our ... Ph.D., I joined Dr. Joyce Loper's lab in the USDA ARS's Horticultural Crops Research Unit ... located on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. Our time spent in Corvallis was also ...

  8. Pesticide Licensing/Certification Testing

    Farmers who are applyng restricted-use pesticides need to be licensed applicators. Our website ...

  9. Limited Submission Opportunites

    applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ...

  10. Seminar, Richard Bostock, Univ. of California, Davis

    (4/1/14). Research area: fungal diseases of orchard crops, Phytopthora root and crown rot diseases; ...
