
Search results

  1. Local Foods Tour Series- Growing Hops

    most hops is still grown today. Plan to join our OSU Extension Hops Specialist Brad Bergefurd at the ... Ohio's booming craft-beer industry is creating a demand for locally grown hops, and Ohio ... State University researchers are working to make that key brewing ingredient available here. A century ...

  2. Generation Rx

    you know that the misuse of prescription medications is one of our country’s most pressing public ... to our community. Generation Rx, the nation-wide educational initiative to promote safe medication ... drug misuse in our country. The educational program includes engaging activities that focus on teaching ...

  3. Winter Bird Feeding

    Resources, and Tommy Springer, Education/Wildlife Specialist, Fairfield Soil and Water Conservation ...

  4. "Unwrap Your Gifts" Email Wellness Challenge

    challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help blend the traditions of healthy ... post-challenge online surveys will be used to track participant progress and comments. Join our award-winning ... 937-548-5215. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...

  5. Hoppin' Around Darke County

    a local winery as we continue our series on Farm Business Management. Enjoy fellowship with other farmers ... Hoppin’ Around Darke  County A Young Farmer’s  Farm Business Management Series Please join us at ... starting at 5:30 p.m. Our program will start at 6:00 p.m. Drinks and supper will be available for purchase. ...

  6. Carrie Brown

    topics to teach include sustainable agriculture, soil health, invasive weed management, native plants, ... provide research-based agricultural and natural resource programming and educational resources to help ...

  7. Wits Workout- Out With the Old, In With the New

    activities, engaging intellectually, having fun socializing, while engaging our brain’s short-term memory. To register ...

  8. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    estate plan that will help transfer farm ownership, management, and assets to the next generation.  Join ... us in welcoming OSU Farm Management Field Specialist, David Marrison, and Attorney with OSU ... Strategies Developing Your Team Selecting and Attorney Communication and Conflict Management during Farm ...

  9. Wits Workout- Game Day

    socializing, while engaging our brain’s sensory memory. To register, contact Worch Memorial Public Library at ...

  10. Wits Workout: Out With the Old, In With the New

    activities, engaging intellectually, having fun socializing, while engaging our brain’s short-term memory. To ...
