
Search results

  1. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ...

  2. Crop Nutrition Apps

    plan fertilizer applications and meet soil nutrient needs. Users select a crop and the desired yield ... applications (e.g. Apps) developed and offered to support nutrient management continues to grow. Many of these ... used by farmers or their agronomic consultants to help with nutrient management including planning, ...

  3. Some Options for Resourceful Living

    Stick to basic nutrient-dense foods for variety and versatility. Use lowest priced form of food item ...

  4. Mummy Berry of Blueberry

    effective. Mummies that are disturbed or covered with soil at this time remain dormant or do not produce ... or other diseases, consult Bulletin 861, Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook. Where mummy ...

  5. Making Fruit Leathers USDA. “Fruits: Nutrients and Health Benefits.” Accessed on August 17, 2023. ...

  6. Low-Cost Crop-Management Considerations

    fewer well-managed acres would be greater than a larger acreage that is poorly managed. Evaluate soils ... selections and determining seeding rates.  Conduct Soil Analysis and Develop a Soil Fertility Program ... potassium may not require additional nutrients for a year or more. Emphasize potassium fertility for soybean ...

  7. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    adsorbent. Soil amendment: The use of hydrochar can improve soil quality by enhancing its water and nutrient ... FABE-662.2 01/11/2021 Shyam Sivaprasad, Graduate Research Associate, The Ohio State University Dr. ... Ashish Manandhar, Postdoctoral Researcher, The Ohio State University Dr. Ajay Shah, Associate Professor, ...

  8. The Data Ownership Confusion

    agencies utilize to aid in decision making related to crop production and farm management. Farm data can be ... operations. By using farm data to drive input management and other farm decisions, farmers can identify and ... Agriculture. Some degree of self-research is required to understand the aspects of data usage, access, sharing, ...

  9. Grapevine Nutrient Management: Petiole Sampling and Analysis

    nutrient deficiency observed in the vineyard. By directly monitoring vine nutrient status, fertilizer ... vineyards to monitor the overall balance of major nutrients and soil pH, a primary determinant of nutrient ... availability. However, there is a poor relationship between soil and plant nutrient levels. While a soil may be ...

  10. Using a Waterslide to Introduce STEM to Younger Youth

    State University Extension According to the National 4-H Council’s STEM Research website, 60% of youth ... sure to have an adult field test the slide first.  Further Resources and Research   Want to scaffold ... The latest in 4-H STEM research is available at!science. Family and Youth ...
