
Search results

  1. Flex Your Leadership Style online

    Performance Management A key element of The DISCflex™is showing you how to ‘flex’ your behavior based on ...

  2. Shannon Hollis

    and the Project Manager of the Consortium for Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Education (CABLE) ... experience in grant writing, budget preparation, project management, and execution.  Her role will include: ... to increase extramural funding and awards. Some recent projects of hers include the management of ...

  3. Time Management: Managing Your Priorities

    manage our time.  This session will focus on time management through managing our priorities. Effectively ... managing your priorities can help de-stress your work environment and enhance personal and professional ... effective you are in work and life. Priority management includes prioritizing and allocating tasks as well ...

  4. Educational Resources

    Writing a Compelling Project Narrative - recording Research Integrity PI/GDSU/OSP- Who does what? ePA-005 ... Strategies to Engage Faculty and Promote Research Efforts Introduction to Grant Writing  - Video  (note: the ... Pre- and Post-Award Management Effective Award Management ...

  5. Corporate Research Engagement 101 (Interactive Seminar)

    partnerships of all types and undercut their potential. It is important for University researchers to ... decision making, the ability to manage expectations, and finding win-win value propositions on the ... industry-university opportunities by providing researchers with a fundamental understanding of the value of industry ...

  6. The Research Enterprise at Ohio State and Working with PIs

    faculty, managing competing interests of being a research facilitator and steward of public funds. Learn ... how research administration fits into the Enterprise Project and how to engage with faculty to ensure ...

  7. The Joyful Professional: Insights from the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu online

    with our colleagues and the community. The primary resource for this session is from  The Book of Joy ...

  8. 30th Anniversary

    able to join us for the celebration of our 30th anniversary! If not, don't worry, you have not ... missed out on all of the fun. You are able to view this event on our YouTube Channel. Program ... 10:30..........................................Conclusion  Stay Engaged  If you would like to remain engaged with us, please sign up for our weekly ...

  9. Project Management for Researchers

    postdoctoral researchers and junior faculty. Agenda: An overview of basic project management tools and ... This one-day training seminar on topics in project management will be facilitated by  Jay Johnson, ... the Associate Director of  Institutional Research and Planning at Ohio State.  This seminar intends to ...

  10. Communication and Conflict

    more effective in our change efforts. Today’s leaders must manage change in their units & teams and ... does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their respective implications provide us with the tools to be ... change process; and • Developing techniques & strategies to successfully manage and lead people ...
