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  1. Making People Care: Elevator Speech Development Coaching Workshop

    can bring your research passion to life for any audience. The workshop will run from 10 – 11:30 a.m. ...

  2. Coyotes, Coffee, and Carnivores: Finding human-animal coexistence in a crowded world

    and management problems through creative and collaborative scientific research. Human populations are ... study models to conserve and manage in our crowded and modern world.   Dr. Stan Gehrt (professor of ... management problems through creative and collaborative scientific research. 8:25 a.m. Tom Schmid, president ...

  3. OCVN Franklin County 2022

    join our list serv at Cost: $ 100.00 The course is now full. We will ... modules.  The session topics include Ohio’s birds, geology, soils, forests, mammals, water resources, ... 5:30—8:00 PM (Soils) OSU Extension Office, Franklin County; 12/7/2022 Wed 5:30—8:00 PM (Climate Change) OSU ...

  4. If you listen carefully…It Sounds Like Love

    a unique combination climate conditions, soils, and Native American land management. In recent decades, ... communities in the United States. While these prairie seeds have remained resilient in the regional soils ... below. In our human-centric lives it can be easy to miss or ignore the vibrational voices of Wild ...

  5. Cover Crop Mapping in Maumee River Watershed

    cropping is one of the best management practices for improving soil quality and reducing nutrient losses to ... of cover crops in a timely manner. The objective of this research is to assess the temporal and ... amounts during 2016/17 and 2017/18 winter seasons. This trend was evaluated against the average nutrient ...

  6. Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening

    exhaustion, Douglas Brinkley’s meticulously researched and deftly written Silent Spring Revolution reminds us ...

  7. The Importance of Internships

    roles: polyurethane R and D Research Scientist, Customer Experience Project Manager working directly with ... a Supply Chain team, and Commercialization Manager in the field of additive manufacturing. In her free ... degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, where his research focused on synthesizing novel organic ...

  8. National Ecological Observatory Network's Airborne Observatory Platform makes stop in Columbus

    Join us for a unique opportunity to tour a research aircraft used to collect high-resolution ... Battelle, is an unprecedented 30-year initiative to understand our ecosystem on a continental scale. The ... program collects a wealth of open-source ecological data that records the plants, animals, soil ...

  9. Live Webinar 'Picking Pawpaw Patches- Managing Woodlands for Pawpaw Production

    Join us Friday Feb. 19 th for our next Friday Escape to The Forest webinar on pawpaw.  Ohio ... Woodland Stewards welcomes Matt Davies, SENR Associate professor in soil and plant community restoration to ... talk about his research on pawpaw, a plant that is present in many Ohio woodlands. ...

  10. Back to School Bash 2022

    socialize, eat, and enjoy the band A tent for graduate students and their research advisors to meet and ... competitive games down Fyffe Rd. Nearly 50 student organization tables for our new students to connect with ...
