
Search results

  1. Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award

    assigned work location; they must document long term strengths in teaching and research; exhibit ...

  2. Homesteading Conference Oct 26, 2024, Boone County KY

    Getters: Small Ruminants on the Homestead, Hogsteading: The Pasture Pig Playbook, Composting & Soil ...

  3. Ohio State assists Ohio farmers following USDA natural disaster declaration

    on managing forage, irrigation strategies, and soil conservation. OSU Extension specialists are ... CFAES will continue to provide research-based guidance to help them navigate this difficult time.” OSU ... challenging,” said David Marrison, OSU Extension field specialist in farm management. “These USDA assistance ...

  4. Investing in the future

    “Kristin and I believe in the work of 4-H and the Ohio 4-H Foundation. As we consider our philanthropic ...

  5. Carol Smathers

    programming and research projects that involve creating healthier environments through policy, system, and ...

  6. From the small screen to a national stage

    handheld camera. I quickly became intrigued at how a short video could convey so much and how our family ... videos effectively shared our story simply through visuals.”  As a 14-year 4-H’er from Athens County, ...

  7. Graduate Education Open House- Columbus

    We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Graduate Education Open House hosted by the CFAES ... Office for Research and Graduate Education! This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the ...

  8. Graduate Education Open House- Wooster

    We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Graduate Education Open House hosted by the CFAES ... Office for Research and Graduate Education! This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the ...

  9. Ohio Maple Days December 7th

    filtering, cost share programs, managing a timber sale, marketing for producers and a grading and tasting ...

  10. Ohio State experts warn of increased combine fire risk amid record drought

    Resources webpage for updated information on managing forage, irrigation strategies, and soil conservation. ... that Ohio’s drought is now being classified in several levels of severity. “We are seeing many of our ... indicators, such as soil moisture, river levels, lake levels, and overall landscape impacts, hitting extreme ...
