
Search results

  1. Growing Garlic in the Garden

    feeder, requiring a high level of nutrients. Have the soil tested and analyzed for site-specific ... recommendations for fertilizer applications. Contact your local OSU Extension office for information on soil ... based on the soil test. Soils higher in organic matter will generally need fewer applied nutrients ...

  2. Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data

    calibration mass flow sensor vibration calibration nutrient management yield monitoring file formats ... using yield map data for post-harvest analyses or supporting crop management decisions based on your ... moisture "calibration" need only be performed once during the harvest season. Our experience ...

  3. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production

    ENT-0098 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/26/2024 Daiyanera Kelsey, Research Technician, The ... and an increased prevalence of flies, bees, and wasps (Urban, 2020). Long-term research is still ... false negatives or underestimated vineyard populations. Management Options Consider the landscape. ...

  4. Energy Conservation in Corn Production

    production more energy efficient. Use soil tests correctly. Know which nutrients are limiting and correct any ... deficiencies. A balanced fertility program is an efficient one. Deficiency in ONE nutrient will limit plant ... nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides are manufactured from natural gas and petroleum, respectively. Energy ...

  5. Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops

    nutrient leaching; increased water infiltration; improved soil biodiversity; weed control and disease ... suppression; increased carbon sequestration and maximum nutrient recycling; improved air, soil, and water ... ryegrass may be used to recapture excess nutrients and reduce soil compaction and is especially useful ...

  6. Soil Terminology and Definitions

    ecosystems, especially with the soil biology to enhance the efficiency of agricultural management practices. ... reactions, such as soil organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Aggregates: Primary soil particles ... Soil organic matter decomposition releases nutrients, especially N, but it also destroys soil structure ...

  7. Grape Berry Moth

    ENT-0097 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/25/2024 Daiyanera Kelsey, Research Technician, The ... infestations are worse along vineyard edges, especially near wooded areas. Scouting and Management Grape berry ... thresholds. If infestation exceeds these thresholds, active management is needed. Alternatively, insecticide ...

  8. Cover Crops in the Garden

    Garden Cover crops can be an excellent way to build soil organic matter, recycle nutrients, and control ... practices, fertilizer and compost additions, and crops grown will all impact the introduction and management ... to introduce cover crops into their garden depending on their skill level and desired management ...

  9. Use of a Brown Mid-Rib Sorghum x Sudangrass Hybrid in a Small Ruminant Parasite Control Program

    can exceed 90°F. Depending upon the soil fertility and the amount of nitrogen applied, total forage DM ... x sudangrass forage across several locations in Ohio with differing soil types and fertility. Lessons Learned ... management system. Our on-farm experience in Ohio over the course of two years demonstrated that there are ...

  10. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    Coordinator, New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health Business and Land Ownership Farm Management ...
