
Search results

  1. Plant Pathology Opportunities

    Ohio State students share the impact of their research. Video contest award, 2012, Office of ...

  2. Fairfield County 4-H Day!

    questions.  Cloverbuds will have their own corner with activities too!  Some of our clubs will have ...

  3. Mitchell outreach and engagement list

    School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High School in research projects at NCSU 2003-2007 Laurinburg ... Charter High School - negotiated equipment donation by Fisher Scientific and provided 1-day research ... Developed 4 molecular biology research activity kits and rotations to North Carolina High Schools 2002-2007 ...

  4. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ...

  5. Eco-Labels, Certifications, Green Advertising: How Trustworthy Are Green Claims?

    Energy and Environment  and the Office of Student Life’s  Energy Management and Sustainability  program ...

  6. Livestock Judging Team Meeting- CANCELLED TONIGHT!!

    in the beginning because we hadn't followed the traditional route of our contemporaries. ... College. Through our involvement in the industry, we caught up fairly quickly, but there is always ...

  7. Managing Risk in the Grains & Navigating the Farm Program Choices

    The morning program will focus on market outlook and managing risk in the grain markets. Speakers ...

  8. The Veterinary Feed Directive; What's it Mean for You?

    neomycin or tylosin, the way you manage your animals’ health will change. The purpose of the VFD is help ...

  9. More Faculty Awards and Recognition

    (2004) Excellence in Soybean Research- Terry L. Niblack Excellence in Soybean Research, Illinois Soybean ... Graduate Research Mentorship- Guo-Liang Wang (2009) Research Award of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor ... Society of Agriculture, OSU- Guo-Liang Wang (2007) OARDC Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award- ...

  10. Botulism: What is it?

    about preserving food by pressure canning, see this presentation recorded during one of our food ...
