
Search results

  1. Food Safety and Garden Flooding

    dry your hands with a disposable paper towel. Remove soil, plant debris, and sap from garden tools and ... Resources. Do not immediately replant your garden Soil saturated with floodwater is a source of human ... pathogens and parasites. Limited information is available on the persistence of foodborne pathogens in soils ...

  2. Chinch Bugs in Turfgrass

    bug in field crop protection, only those useful for management of the hairy chinch bug in turfgrasses ... research suggests that this disease has a greater impact on the chinch bugs when the turf enters into ... damaged turf will recover rather quickly if lightly fertilized and watered regularly. Heavily infested ...

  3. Strategies to Maximize Pesticide Deposit and Coverage for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards

    targeted part of the plant canopy. For example, when applying a fungicide to manage Gray Mold of grapes ... Campos, Dr. Carla Román, and Dr. Ramón Salcedo, visiting researchers from Spain to the Dept. of Food, ...

  4. Some Options for Resourceful Living

    Stick to basic nutrient-dense foods for variety and versatility. Use lowest priced form of food item ...

  5. Soybean Rust

    days and produce spores for approximately three weeks. Disease Management Onset of SBR in the United ... producers in Ohio have not had to consider managing this disease. In 2012, an area of over 200 hectares of ... A coordinated effort to manage soybean rust in North America: a success story in soybean disease monitoring. ...

  6. Professional Horticulture

    research based technical information on plant production and management techniques; identifying and ... “Green Industry.” It includes businesses in general landscape management, nursery management and plant ... production, turf management (e.g. lawn care, sod farms, etc.), tree care, and floriculture (e.g. greenhouses, ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at GABP with the Reds

    of the proceeds from each ticket sold  through this link  back to our organization!  On this City ...

  8. Power Lawn Mowers

    Management agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors power-take-off ...

  9. Portable Fire Extinguishers

    Ownership Farm Management agricultural tailgate safety training for operators and supervisors fire ...

  10. Converting between Mehlich-3, Bray P, and Ammonium Acetate Soil Test Values

    values, but since our focus here is conversions for fertilizer recommendations, we focused on soil test ... Convert Soil Test P and K Values Background The Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations (Vitosh et al., 1995) ... a universal extractant that provides multiple extractable nutrients from a single soil sample. Mehlich-3 ...
