
Search results

  1. Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till

    conventional tilled to no-till. The corn crop benefits from tilled soils due to the release of nutrients from ... microbes to decompose the organic residues and releases nutrients. Every one percent soil organic matter ... soil fauna back into balance, and start to restore the nutrients lost by tillage. In those transition ...

  2. Lawn Mowing

    University Mowing, the controlled defoliation of turfgrass, is a cornerstone practice in lawn management ... subsequent interventions. Proper mowing practices are pivotal, regardless of fertilization, irrigation, or ... limited soil moisture can lead to signs of stress and increased risk of turfgrass loss in closely mowed ...

  3. Freezing Cooked Foods

    Your Foods Proper packaging prevents loss of nutrients and moisture, changes in color and flavor, and ...

  4. Horse Manure Management

    add nitrogen fertilizer to the manure/sawdust mix or to the soil. The added nitrogen can be used by ... soil nitrogen from the growing crops. The fertilizer should be added to the manure prior to spreading ... it on the soil. Another option is to work the fertilizer into the soil after the manure has been ...

  5. Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio

    -phosphorus-from-animal-manure-pss-2249.pdf Ag Crops and Livestock phosphorus soil fertility nutrient management water quality Agriculture ... a foundational area of study in soil fertility research. The basis of university fertilizer recommendations is ... fertilizer is added to the soil. The change in P nutrient use which occurred around 1995 coincided with ...

  6. Lime and the Home Lawn

    nitrogen applied types of other nutrients present in the fertilizer soil type irrigation frequency  ... originated from calcite-rich glacial deposits. When the soil pH drops below 6.0, a number of nutrients ... Applications of enough lime to raise the soil pH above 6.0 can increase the availability of these nutrients ...

  7. Distinguishing Emerald Ash Borer from Native Borers

    Department of Entomology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and State Specialist, Ohio State ...

  8. Cultivating the Practice of Family Philanthropy

    family. Giving establishes relationships and reinforces social ties. "How can we expect our children ... (2001). The Giving Family: Raising Our Children to Help Others (1st ed.). Council on Foundations. Scheer, ...

  9. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    member is not a manager and would be considered a limited partner if the business had been formed as ... day-to-day management. As with any entity, you might still be liable personally for an act such as driving an ... protection. In other words, LLCs provide more flexibility in who can be involved in management decisions ...

  10. Forest Management

    forest management? If you were to ask a forester to define forest management, he/she would probably tell ... you something like: "Forest management is the application of appropriate technical forestry ... management of a forest to achieve the owner's objectives." Stated more simply, forest management is ...
