
Search results

  1. Kaiguang Zhao   Research Statement My research focuses on mapping, monitoring, modeling, and managing ... Lindsey, L.E., Fulford, A.M. and Zhao, K., 2020. Do soil test levels and fertilization with phosphorus and ... terrestrial environments across scales, especially in the context of global environmental changes. My research ...

  2. Stone Lab Research Briefs Series: Women in Science

    As part of the Stone Lab Research Briefs series, The Ohio State University’s Kate Bartter will ...

  3. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    Inwood gathers her research data at The Ohio State University. She quickly found that childcare, or the ... have worked in agriculture for around 20 years. He serves as FSR farm manager, responsible for 1,500 ... hectic with the biggest challenge being schedule management and figuring out how to prioritize what each ...

  4. Stone Lab Research Brief Series- Reintroduction of Lake Sturgeon and Blandings Turtle Monitoring Using Community Science Partners

    As part of the Stone Lab Research Briefs series, the Toledo Zoo and Aquarium’s Dr. Matt Cross will ...

  5. Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Degree Planning Tools

    Management Forestry and Wildlife   Wildlife and Fisheries Science Wildlife and Pre-Veterinary Science ... Curriculum FFW Roadmaps: Fisheries and Aquatic Science Forest Ecosystem Science and Management Forestry and ...

  6. Jason Hartschuh

    Jason Hartschuh Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Assistant Professor, ... CCA Precision Livestock Farming; Dairy Facility Design; Dairy Risk Management 1165 County Road 43, ... Management- The Ohio State University B.S., Animal Science- The Ohio State University ...

  7. Improving the Sustainability of our Food System

    dissertation research specifically examines soil fertility, agricultural change, and farmer pedagogy in ... multi-species cover cropping practices to improve ecological soil fertility; and promotes farmer exchange of ... Ohio State graduate student wins international contest to improve the sustainability of our food ...

  8. Freshwater Science: A HABs Primer

    information on topics such as nutrient sources in the Maumee River watershed that drive blooms, the progress ... toward meeting nutrient load reduction goals, and best practices for farmers. Dr. Winslow will also ... provide updates on the state’s Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative research efforts, as well as the ...

  9. Margaret Jenkins, Assistant Professor

    Clermont County and the Miami Valley Extension Education Research Area (EERA). Using formal and informal ... of relevant, creative and innovative research-based educational programs focused on solving ... stakeholders' value building strong families and communities by supporting research-based programs that address ...

  10. TWEL Completed Projects

    importance of habitat heterogeneity in understanding the effect of forest management practices on salamanders ... Hoffman, PhD (2021) Managing forests and understanding social intolerance for Ohio’s declining timber ... Assessing Avian Responses to Habitat Management Along Pipeline Right-of-ways in Eastern Ohio Lauren S. ...
