
Search results

  1. Regenerative Ag Field Tour

    soil health, protect water quality, and produce high-quality, nutrient-dense food. Join us for an ... organizations will also have a table for promoting their materials at the barn. Soil and Water Management; Field ... successfully implementing these practices and from renowned soil health expert  Ray Archuleta. Engage with ...

  2. Water Quality Team to Host Second Annual Conservation-Focused Field Day

    and Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management State Specialist at The Ohio State University. Dr. Rakkar ... Nebraska-Lincoln. Her work aims to combine complex soil dynamics through research to develop sustainable and vibrant ... “Cover Crop ‘Til You Drop!”, and will be focused on all things cover crops, including economics, research ...

  3. Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew

    As we progressed with our field scouting this past week, it has become evident that Soybean Vein ... Necrosis Virus (SVNV) is making a noticeable presence in our soybean crops across various regions. SVNV, ... adopt integrated pest management strategies, including the use of resistant varieties if available, to ...

  4. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 20- August Weather Update

    at the Western Agricultural Research Station, crops made a lot of progress toward maturity. For corn, ... planting date at the Western Agricultural Research Station, Northwest Agricultural Research Station, and ... Wooster Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... September. Nutrient Prices It can be helpful to compare the prices in Table 1 to the 5-year averages. The ... these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was used for average US cows weighing 1500 lb and producing ...

  6. FRST Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool Launches Nationwide to Digitize Crop Nutrient Management

    common access, FRST fosters collaboration and innovation in soil fertility research, paving the way for ... phosphorus and potassium values for crop fertilization. The FRST project is a collaboration of over 100 soil ... the collective effort and expertise invested in the development of FRST. Steve Culman, our former soil ...

  7. Debbie Surprises but Drought Intensifies Across the Southeast

    and resources, visit our Drought Response Page. Recent severe weather and torrential rainfall hit ...

  8. There's still time to volunteer for Move-In

    We are excited to invite you to join us in assisting and engaging with our residents during the ... appreciated as we help our new residents settle in. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete ...

  9. Be part of the 175th Wayne County Fair parade

    participating in the parade. We are requesting volunteers to walk behind two of our tractors along the parade ... route holding banners and flags that represent OSU and our campus.    If you are interested in being ...

  10. CFAES advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    herd health and management, freeing up our time to better take care of the cows. The new facility will ... the CFAES Columbus campus, supporting our work for years to come.”  The new dairy, located on the site ... technology include a robotic milking system, feeding robot and automated feed kitchen, and manure management ...
