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  1. Landaverde receives University’s Presidential Fellowship

    potential graduate students entering the final phase of their dissertation research or terminal degree ... our department and is deserving of this prestigious award,” said Dr. Shannon Washburn, professor and ... among small-scale farmers in rural Central America.” His research project could have a substantial ...

  2. Matt Smith

    Fisheries Management MS, University of Arkansas, Aquaculture and Fisheries Aquaculture Extension- Any- ...

  3. ACEL Alumni Award Recipients Announced

    connect alumni with each other and to recognize our alumni for the work they are doing in their careers ... and communities. Each year, the board sponsors an awards program to recognize our alumni who have made ... significant contributions through their careers and in their communities. On behalf of our board, I am excited ...

  4. Think Differently: A Path Toward Tranquility

    life, is neither easy nor predictable, and it does not ask our permission. We make mistakes, others ... treat us unfairly, and conditions don’t cooperate. When these adversities knock us from our groove, we ... may respond by raging, at ourselves, others, or conditions. Such reactions rob us, members of our ...

  5. Do You Get the Winter Blues?

    it just has its own unique demands. However, there may be other things going on in our bodies right ... Just like we take care of our equipment, friends, and family, we need to care for ourselves.   1 in ... experience a mental health challenge What  causes  SAD? Many researchers believe it has to do with an ...

  6. ACEL Alumni Awards Recipients Announced

    connect alumni with each other and to recognize our alumni for the work they are doing in their careers ... and communities. Each year, the board sponsors an awards program to recognize our alumni who have made ... significant contributions through their careers and in their communities. On behalf of our board, I am excited ...

  7. Filson named recipient of university distinguished teaching award

    manages initial licensure requirements for the preservice agriscience education program.   “Our ... department, and especially our students, are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Filson as an instructor and ... research methods, theories of learning and cognition, leading through historical perspectives, evaluation ...

  8. OSU Leadership Center: 30 Years of Accessibility, Affordability, and Applicability

    research-based resources and high-quality practical programs to build and strengthen leadership capacities.  This ... organizations and individuals. “Our workshops are accessible, affordable and applicable. Our participants leave ... to protect the health of our participants and facilitators due to coronavirus.  The Ohio State ...

  9. ACEL Alumni Award Recipients Announced

    connect alumni with each other and to recognize our alumni for the work they are doing in their careers ... and communities. Copy:  Each year, the board sponsors an awards program to recognize our alumni who ... have made significant contributions through their careers and in their communities. On behalf of our ...

  10. Safely Keeping The Farm Clean Cut

    propelled objects, and various moving equipment parts. Before hopping in the tractor, here are some steps to ...
