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  1. Stinson completes internship with Penn State Extension

    secondary high schools. Our program provides students with a rigorous series of courses in technical ...

  2. Summer 4-H Projects And Activities Engage Youth In Experiential Learning

    design, laundry, money management, robotics, rocketry, scrapbooking, shooting sports, skateboarding, small ... hands-on, experiential learning.  Examples include our Tuesday Night Horse Fun Shows, livestock clinics, 4-H ...

  3. Mindfulness- Are you ready for Christmas?

    what kind of messages we are sending to our families.  I enjoy some of the hustle and bustle, as there ... what’s important. Where we spend our time and money conveys to our family where our priorities are.  ...

  4. Research Design

    AEE 8860 Development of effective design for research problems in applied social and life ...

  5. Instrumentation and Procedures for Data Collection

    collecting research data. Prereq: 8850 (885). Not open to students with credit for 888. Graduate 2.0 Dr. M. ...

  6. Applied Regression Analysis

    sciences. Prereq: Grad level research methods course. Not open to students with credit for 995. Graduate 2.0 ...

  7. Applied Data Reduction Techniques

    sciences. Prereq: Grad level research methods course. Not open to students with credit for 995. Graduate 2.0 ...

  8. Research

    AEE 8999 Research for thesis or dissertation purposes only. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs ...

  9. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    programs, 10 minute science activities for club meetings, 4-H Online database training, tips for managing ... ensure that our county 4-H program remains strong and vibrant for years to come. 4-H Camp dates for 2016 ...

  10. Analysis and Interpretation of Data

    AEE 8870 Analysis and interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistics for research in ...
